
openfire 사용 포트

Dev_Kyle 2015. 12. 21. 09:48

client keep alive time 조정

  • 서버에서 클라이언트 접속을 끊는 현상 발생

We had a case of users being logged out with a "service unavailable" error after about 5 minutes. We solved the issue with the following steps:
* Add "xmpp.client.idle" to Wildfires system properties with a high value (for us, 8 hours in milliseconds)
* Edit httpd.conf and edit the "Timeout" value (2000), "KeepAlive" (On) and "KeepAliveTimeout" (we now have it at 5, but maybe even two is enough - JWChats polling intervall is 2000 by default)

그룹의 멤버간 공유

  • 그룹의 멤버간 공유를 위해서는 openfire의 Contact List (Roster) Sharing 을 체크 해주어야 함

openfire 사용 포트

  • 9090 : http web administration
  • 9091 : the secured administration respectively
  • 5222 : Client Port
  • 5223 : Client SSL Port
  • 5269 : s2s, Remote servers can exchange packets with this server on port
  • 5229 : for SparkWeb
  • 7070 : HTTP binding Port
  • 7443 : HTTP binding SSL Port
  • 7777 : File transfer proxy