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q https://github.com/bulldog2011/luxun bulldog2011/luxun A high-throughput, persistent, distributed, publish-subscribe messaging system based on memory mapped file and Thrift RPC - bulldog2011/luxun github.com https://github.com/OpenHFT/Chronicle-Queue 더보기
OpenfirePresenceSpooler ㅁ openfire가 direct presence 라서 모델을 조금 변경함. private AtomicInteger scheduledExecutorServiceCount = new AtomicInteger(); /** * Initializes the spool manager. */ @PostConstruct public void init() throws Exception { logger.info(getClass().getName() + "start OpenfirePresenceSpooler initialize."); queue = queueFactory.getQueue(PresenceQueueFactory.SPOOL); if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { StringBuffer info.. 더보기
HAProxy - ConnectionManager - Openfire ㅁ make 설치 및 확인 # rpm -qa | grep ^make # yum info make | grep Repo # yum install make -y ㅁ haproxy 설치 [ ssl 사용할 경우 USE_OPENSSL=1 - 32 but # make TARGET=linux26 ARCH=x86 - 64 bit # make TARGET=linux26 ARCH=x86_64 ] # make clean # make TARGET=linux26 USE_OPENSSL=1 ADDLIB=-lz # make install # cp ./examples/haproxy.init /etc/rc.d/init.d/haproxy # chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/haproxy # mkdir -p /etc/hap.. 더보기
[System Architecture] ConnectionManager Openfire (formerly Wildfire) Connection Manager Module What is it? Each Openfire Connection Manager module you deploy improves the scalability of your Openfire server by handling a portion of the client connections. It's suitable for very large installations of Openfire (many thousand concurrent users). Download the connection manager module implementation below. 각각의 openfire conntection manager.. 더보기
[Cache - CacheFactory ] regist guide, life-cycle ㅁ Register logged ㅁ Guide ㅁ Life-cycle 더보기
[Cache] PropertyEventDispatcher key list. PropertyEventListener Key Const Method to register for events Package Class Name provider.auth.className - org.jivesoftware.admin AdminConsole propertySet org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth AuthFactory propertySet provider.admin.className - org.jivesoftware.openfire.admin AdminManager propertySet clustering.enabled ClusterManager.CLUSTER_PROPERTY_NAME org.jivesoftware.openfire.cluster ClusterManager.. 더보기
openfire 사용 포트 client keep alive time 조정 서버에서 클라이언트 접속을 끊는 현상 발생 We had a case of users being logged out with a "service unavailable" error after about 5 minutes. We solved the issue with the following steps: * Add "xmpp.client.idle" to Wildfires system properties with a high value (for us, 8 hours in milliseconds) * Edit httpd.conf and edit the "Timeout" value (2000), "KeepAlive" (On) and "KeepAliveTimeout" (.. 더보기
[Configure] How to configure Openfire's caches [https://community.igniterealtime.org/docs/DOC-1673] How to configure Openfire's caches Openfire uses caches to improve performance. Caches can be configured to hold more or less objects in memory and also the amount of time an object will be kept in memory. Big caches can improve performance but very big caches may decrease it since more memory will be used and Java may have to work hard to mak.. 더보기
Tsung Installing and Initial setup of Tsung Load Testing CentOS Installing and Initial setup of Tsung Load Testing CentOS Installation on Centos [ahmed@server ~]$ yum install erlang [ahmed@server ~]$ tar -xvzf tsung-1.5.1.tar.gz -C /opt [ahmed@server ~]$ cd /opt/tsung-1.5.1 [ahmed@server ~]$ ./configure [ahmed@server ~]$ make [ahmed@server ~]$ make install Some Version information. [ahmed@server ~]$ t.. 더보기